Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yesterday was a long day of metro and tram riding to different parts of Sofia, just discovering and experiencing the place. We had a long walk back to our temporary place called home from somewhere in the city…long, long walk. It’s so funny, Jean-Pierre and I are such opposites! (just in case you had not previously noticed) When we travel like this, Jean-Pierre is forever expanding his understanding and knowledge of the layout of the land, while I am like a puppy in the car… I go along for the ride, am quite good company, but really useless when it comes to navigational skills or worth. Jean-Pierre told me how much he appreciates me being the dog, as he is as a blind man when it comes to language!

Where I come from chess is a two man game, here it seems to be a twelve man sport.

Breakfast in the park, apple strudel in the park (a different park) later. 

gotta love it!

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