Monday, April 7, 2014

good times

Wow, while Rita sits drinking coffee, made by her mista…eats meals prepared by the man wearing the correct outfit, said mista continues to do absolute miracles with the appearance of the house in Gostilitsa. 

This scribe is really proud of his achievements. He is working with materials that speak a different language, react in foreign manners and still manages to do all this. Whether inside or out.
We have been truly blessed to have the use of an apartment in Sofia, this is a good, good thing. Not just for the opportunity to visit the city but also because it means Rita is so much less frustrated having to ‘do nothing’ with her hand that is still misbehaving.

It’s that much easier to rest it when the todo list for the day involves long walks to the city centre through parks and interesting little side streets. Admiring the amazing talent of local artist....Talking to strangers in a challenging language, by the time she gets back to the apartment she’s too tired to do anything else…. Methinks that was the plan!

1 comment:

  1. It is SOOOOOO good and so motivational to see how God bless those who earnestly walk with Him!!!!! You are an example to me regarding walking with God in faith and obedience!!! Thank you!!!
