Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I remember driving in the car with my Mum as passenger, I needed to come to a rather quick stop and my arm automatically reached out to protect her. It suddenly dawned on me that I had, somewhere through the passage of time, become the parent.
How often have we looked at older people, dressed in jerseys that look as if the last time they were washed was sometime just prior to the war? How often have we seen old men playing checkers in the park and felt sad that they had nothing better to do with their days? Or known an old lady who would rather spend time in her Lazy-Boy stroking her mangy cat than get dressed up and go out with her family to a more ‘exciting’ time? Have we ever said out loud, or even thought the thought of “If I ever get like that, then shoot me”?
The funny thing is… you got it, this is who we are. It might not be right away, though we would probably not recognise it or ourselves when it does happen. But think about it…
That favourite pair of jeans, you were wearing them when you did the laundry, “Ah, never mind, I’ll put them through next time”, and
Wouldn’t it be great just to sit quietly with friends rather than dash about shopping or trying to impress people that don’t really give a care? And what about parking off in your lounge, reading a good book instead of the rush and noise and just plain busyness of young families, kids squabbling and raucous laughter at inane jokes? Then of course there’s that thought of something that needs doing, but you are quite sure that offspring one or two could take care of it for you quite easily…Aargh, so scary.
There are some things that happen that are funny…well laughable anyway, like looking for readers perched on your nose, trying to get that ‘something that was previously on your plate’ out from under your new bridge, while sounding like a kreepy krawly sucking air….lamenting gravity’s effects  when it’s been there all along and how Time flies when you are having fun. Never stop having fun.
Know that the definition of fun is certainly age related!

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