Sunday, August 28, 2011

and so...

So in a land where fasting all day is the norm, and breaking fast in a celebratory fashion is something that is anticipated with glee, is where we find ourselves..... eating Turkish Delight in the the land of the Turk!

What an interesting place – nothing like what I thought it would be like. I somehow had an incredibly ‘backward’ expectation to say the least! Here the tourists are ‘vol op’ and the locals range from absolute arrogance to humble servitude within the space of four coffee tables....admittedly the coffee tables are surprisingly small.... a little in the Vietnamese tradition, for those who know.

We have decided that the food is wonderful, the music suspect and the people interesting.Lifestyle is appealing as everything happens in a really 'Laid Back' fashion including imbibing tea. Though one has a tendency of letting one's tea get cold.....

Language is not featuring as I decided not to try and conquer it as it is bound to confuse me next week when we go to Bulgaria.

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