Wednesday, August 24, 2011

another day closer...

Checking in, checking in.... Rita to Base Rita to Base.... Wednesday evening and all is well. Erm all is probably not so well for everyone, like Granny for instance... see, I forgot to warm her dinner and take it in to her - AGAIN! Two nights in a row, she sat in her daughter's Recliner waiting in vain for someone to bring her dinner. If anything this treatment should up her motivation levels to start doing things for herself again.... one can only hope! Oh yes, and  today we were 'fortunate' enough to catch our house keeper helping herself to Rita's wallet.... ah yes, there were consequences! Wherever we are , lives change, what can I say?
We had another board meeting last night and it was great. Great people, great goals great team... did I mention great? Sigh.... and tomorrow is our last day before heading off to Turkey, Bulgaria and the UK.... starting to think along the lines of what bag I should pack my things in.... oh, and I should do some laundry.....Rita checking out..... лека нощ

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