Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bulgaria here we come!

It feels as if this has been such a long time coming. The first thing I saw when awaking and looking from the train window was a field of sunflowers.

Which in itself was not so spectacular, as it is the end of their season, but the Bulgarian language book that we 'found' while in India two years ago has a picture of sunflowers on the front cover.

can you spot the Harry Potter book?

Reading here is proving extremely challenging but something I intend to conquer in the next couple of days. After that I will concentrate on the actual language! So far I have picked up that there are many recognisable 'English' words encased in a Bulgarian pronunciation, which is a huge help.

  I think I am falling in love!

1 comment:

  1. O Rita... Can't wait to see and feel and smell that what God has for us there!!! Enjoy every moment of it! Thank you so much for letting us in with you through this blog! And as always - the amazing pictures! You surely have a wonderful gift!
    I'm trying to get WhatsApp on my phone - no success yet - will let you know.
    Love, Hanneke
