Monday, January 17, 2011

on arrival

Well the team has made it safe and sound! Or should that rather have been ' the team has made it safe and noise'?... needless to expand here. Mark and Paulien were the first to get here, they were met in the city by JP and Rita.

Next with wild whoops of joy from Paulien the next two made their way safely towards the hostel. Miemie and Estelle were glad to be here, with a story to tell about a planned flight, sleep and jet lag and lots more, ensconced in laughter the whole way.
Our team was completed with the evening arrival of Kobus , Hanneke and Christoph.  Christoph was really so at ease with the whole thing that he promptly fell asleep in the middle of the table!

We had a wild first day- just to get us familiar with what will be a frenetic pace of 'so much to do/see- with so little time'.

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