Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cambodian Capers

Six hour bus trip from Siem Reap to the capitol of Phnom Penh not without its excitement elements....

1x tummy bug

1x fellow passenger with severe motion sickness upchucking on one of our team

1x broken seat

Oh yes... and diesel motor of bus broke down and while we prayed, (you got it)... it started again!
We are celebrating a few birthdays while we are here, but alas the choice of cakes has been rather suspect till now... we hope to do better tomorrow/today/any other time as long as we don't have to eat THIS!

Killing Fields Were explained to us, Section 21 seen and wondered at, Russian Market claimed among other things, some of our time.After seeing some of the history, it becomes easier, though only slightly to be able to pray for this nation. A nation that was destroyed in three years in levels that we cannot begin to understand.

Dinner here is an extravaganza of incomprehensible communication, fun, laughter and extraordinary dishes in many tiny bowls! This gets washed down with litres of water floating massive chunks of ice! Accompanied by irritating mosquitoes!

Ladies sleep in an 8 bed dorm with mattresses on the floor. Each has a rather large fan standing sentinel at the foot of the bed, seeing us through the warm mozzie filled nights. Another wonderful use of said sentinels is that they dry our laundry too!


  1. Thanks for the update. When you're next back in SA shout and we must get together - it's been too long... no excuses for not seeing you after all this time! :)

  2. Alice.... you are so so correct! we are in Viet Nam right now, will be here till 13th Feb, then back to Bangkok....Ranong and then home 22nd Feb... will make a date-for sure!
