Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back in the land of CaFe sua da and bungh mi

Woo hoo! We hit Viet Nam via boat on the Mekong yesterday, and we are enthralled by the vast differences visible in the three Asian Countries we have been to. One of the most intriguing things to experience here, is and probably always will be – the traffic!

In a country where the economic status is balanced on the back of motorcycles, we believe we have a real insight as to the health of this nation. Of course this is in the physical realm only... Spiritually is another story. We passed what would be known locally as a hospital last night on the way back from dinner, and the shock was tangible. Kalafong hospital is ~wonderful~, to state the obvious!

Teamwise we are doing rather well... boundaries are stretching, food
 tasting is becoming a hobby... so far we have done pretty well with keeping in our budget too... which is a big plus!

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