Tuesday, December 21, 2010

much ado about nothing!

It’s been a while since there has been any update, so here goes!
Note to self: it’s rather tricky to give updates on what one is doing when one purposely tries to do as little as possible...
 trawling the market for Dinner on Tuesday

 Finding dinner!
There are only so many times one tell others about the wonderful place one is staying in. About the freedom of just deciding at whatever time to go out and get something scrumptious to eat for next to nothing.
About how wonderful it is to have a swimming pool on hand that one does not have to worry about the cleaning and care that a pool involves.

About watching the people play on the water outside ones window.
The abundance of tropical fruits that others will have no idea about and the books consumed at the rate of knots. Then of course there’s the clement weather and wonderful sunsets. 

The ease with which one is able to get ‘hot off the rack’ videos to watch at ones’ leisure....and well within a non-existent budget.
We are purposefully staying ‘under the radar’ so to speak, catching up on ‘me time’ and truly still doing as little as possible.

We have the use of a car if it’s raining, and a motor scooter when it isn’t; which we certainly prefer to make use of. I have become very apt at carrying groceries while balancing on the back of the scooter hurtling through the traffic, avoiding the bumps in the road and skirting strangely different plethora of vehicles sharing the streets. Unfortunately here the wind does less ‘blowing through ones hair’ as bike helmets are a compulsory drag here, nonetheless the breeze is muchly appreciated. Careening around pinion with my camera held aloft is rather a thrill, though admittedly the focus on pictures taken leaves much to be desired.
I have taken to walking in the humid warmth for about an hour every second day or so, where Jean-Pierre is more inclined to go for a run on the beach.-------No... no pictures please...
In the mornings, if we deign to get up and out in time we have breakfast at the local wet market which usually consists of noodles, something else (unidentifiable mostly) thrown in the mix accompanied by great multitudes of chillies. 

Breakfast sorted we might go for a drive somewhere on the Island or simply haul ourselves back to the apartment to do some serious reading, sleeping, movie watching or nothing at all... what a life.


  1. We are catching a plane tonight. Please collect us from the airport!!!!!

  2. lol.... heee heee heee ha ha ha ha ha love you too
