Wednesday, December 22, 2010

the day dawned bright

This morning was amazing....

the aircon faithfully hummed as the King Fisher trilled from the roof of the building next door, welcoming a day bright with tropical sunshine. The whole day open before us... what shall we do today? Whatever we want!


  1. Hi u2. how can u be busy with nothing...... how does one do nothing? u make it sound so desireable - nothing - my brain does not comprhend that... d ou also stop thinking at the same time? naw sounds too good to b true! enjoy ur time soooo much, looking forward to seeing you in about 3 weeks. lov us 2

  2. We-elll, its easy! Though even though one does 'nothing' one often falls asleep, thereby doing somehing-namely: SLEEPING.Then again, as in all things, with enough practice, I am sure to succeed eventually!
