Friday, December 31, 2010

Another gorgeous day in Paradise

Penang-orchidaceous in its "holiday" celebrations is still playing piped Christmas carols in all the malls.Tinsel and artificial snow abound in every available space.
Rita went and had her hair cut and was subjected to an hour of "Santa and Mommy kissing", "Jingling Bells", "Silent Nights" and repeated "Sleigh Rides"! Mid January all that will change to Chinese New Year song repeats at full volume! Which of course is only on the 3rd of February, but will be alive and well for a good two months!

We were blessed to spend an afternoon with friends on Wednesday, we shared hearts and a meal and even had celebratory cake!

Yesterday had us galavanting around the Island with Workers into Kalemantan showing them the 'tourist haunts' of this wonderful place.

Some interesting sights experienced as we travelled around Penang.

At the end of the day we were all 'templed out' and came home to put our feet up. Being on the nineth floor of the apartment block, we were then treated to an amazingly 'close' Fireworks display.

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