Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pictures to follow shortly

Long flight.... managed to sleep some - we each had a row of three seats in the final leg, so caught some zzzzzz's.... Staying at rather a .... an....... interesting place! off to inflate mattresses... beds are really hard, uhm... never mind!

 Llew was misbehaving-again-
 Now just battling to get pictures in that are not turned over on their sides....


  1. Hey Guys - so good to hear that you arrived safely. Sorry about the beds - but just as well you took the blow-ups. Still cold and overcast in good ol Joburg - so not missing much - sure its warm there! Busy with last 2 days of deadline - can't wait for it to be over - in more than one way.
    Looking forward to the pics - love u lots & lots

  2. Awwwwww, we are missing you already!!!!!!!!!
    How will we survive!!! Looking forward to the news and pics. Where are you right now? I'm confused, is it Bangkok or Malaysia? WE are having lovely COOOOOOOOL weather. Oooh sorry, I forgot how hot and sticky you must be. Hee Hee. I must say, that photo of Llew is terrifying. Anyway, love you lots. Jenn

  3. Its great to see/hear you guys settling in so quickly. Glad to hear you arrived safely and are already experiencing the "tough" life of travel mixed with "trial" and adventure. Blessings. The Olivier's.
