Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hot here in Bangkok!

Another sweltering day here in sunny hot Bangkok. Yesterday spent the afternoon with Deon and Corne', enjoyed a great South African Braai with them and other Friends, if it weren't for the mutant mozzies trying to carry me out of their house, I would have felt right at home! Today spent the day traversing and negotiating Bangkok traffic madness, went to the 'feather butt bird' market.... got slightly lost there (too) and eventually made it home to a welcoming cool shower and aircon room. You just gotta love technology! Andre' and Tiaan were true stars as they played non-stop while in the car.

When the river rises, who needs a kitchen sink?
So, the river did not rise enough here and hence the need for the use of a kitchen sink!


  1. Braai in Bangkok - no really guys I thought you would be into the bugs and crawlys already not to mention the kitty curry?
    Any way we had great fellowship in Pta with Philip giving his presentation - 19 people pitched and the sharing afterwards was awesome. We finally left Neville's now very empty house at 8:00pm
    Can't wait to experience what you guys are going through - counting the days.

  2. Hi JP and Rita. Great to see you settling in to your traveling routine so quickly (like fish to water), experiencing the "trials" of each new adventure. Glad to hear you arrived safely and are alive and kicking (stomping). The Olivier's.

  3. The feather butt birds are so cute! Enjoy!
