Monday, November 29, 2010

Chiang Mai chill

This was what our move looked like as we deicided one of the hostels was not a good place to stay.
You live - you learn!
What a refreshing breath of cool air! this weather.... so far.... early in the day yet- but it truly suits me better.
It's saying quite a lot when one finds that the most comfortable bed one has slept on in 5 days just happens to be the bunk in the over night train.....
You live - you learn some more!


  1. There is such a thing in Thailand as the cold season or winter as we formerly known, it last in Central Thailand and Bangkok (out of experience) only a week then the season turns again for the hot season....

  2. Ouch! Hope the beds improve! Or you'll get so tired you'll sleep anyway.

    Enjoy winter!
