Friday, October 9, 2009

landed! 03h35...
yawn!  What a trip, plane not too full from JHB to Doha....then we got what it feels like to be a sardine for the next four hours! India welcomed us with open arms, I could tell, as she hasm't used deoderant in a while....
Early morning as it was, the bustle had already begun for the day. the air already chewable and the assault om our ears relentless...
Woke up and went for dinner, missed the final train of the night - tuk tuk amd nore sleep...


  1. wow, glad to hear you landed safe and sound even though somewhat squashed. sounds exciting....

  2. Hi Guys - good to hear that you arrived safely and that all is well. The final packages departed on Sat 10 Oct as planned. All is well and we pray for safe passage for them all. I pray that all goes well and according to plan and that their arrival is without hassle. Please take special care of them!!
    Wishing you all God's richest blessings and much love!!
