Monday, October 19, 2009

home on the Ganga

The natives speak Hindi so well!  All around me they spout off and with absolutely no effort at all!  My vocab is increasing, sure, but I am no where even close to the youngest speaker in this country! A three year old speaks better than I do, sigh…

Diwali was spent at the Ashram with SwamiJi, and it was something to behold. Very interesting indeed. We needed to get outfits for the occasion, we were told the night before, and thought we would get something cheap and off the peg for the event, only to discover cheap and off the peg was not an option for these westerners. Our size has a lot to do with it!


Eventually, after a lot of running around, fabric seduction – silk which we graciously declined- we were measured and  ready to go home….Home is a place on the Ganga River… where the ashes off the cremation pyres drift in through our windows, where monkeys fight with you on your balcony, where the neighbours sleep on their rooftops accompanied by goats and chickens… where firebomb crackers split the air at irregular intervals… and where the people are friendly…

Teamwise, there are some interesting dynamics taking place. We are able o see the hand of God at work. We are thrilled to be experiencing this country, even though the poverty and filth is so in our faces. What scares me the most is because there is simply so much poverty and filth and spiritual death around us, we could start to take it as the way things should be. The task being so huge that to change anything of real significance would be an utter waste of time, so then we might try to accept more easily what we see as being right…. Hmmmm, I wonder if this makes any sense at all.

Till next connection….and thank you for your prayers.


  1. Wow Guys - what an experience, what a different world! It is really good to hear that it is well with you. Well done for doing that which you can right now. We do not know how YHWH works, for His ways are not our ways and what will come from you being there at this time. For the world needs the true LIGHT and that is what shines through each of you.
    Continue to stand and we fight the good fight of faith together keeping you in constant prayer. May Signs and wonders follow you - even if you may not be aware that they are even happening.
    May God Our Father keep you and shine His face upon you all.

  2. Hi Rita,
    yes, it does make sense.

    Thanks for the update...

    Those "interesting team dynamics" scares me a bit... well as long as it is "interesting", and doesn't become "interesting" - I hope that makes sense at all...

  3. Hi Rita
    Janam Din ki badhai or should I say, Happy Birthday. There are apparently two ways of saying happy birthday in Hindi, but this was the shorter version and sounded more legal! Wow what a location to celebrate this precious day - enjoy it soo much - I hope the team are going to spoil you - lekker jol! May YHWH bless you this day and for the year ahead I pray that all your Kingdom desires be fulfilled. Big hug.
