Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Its the final count down...

Two of us leave tomorrow morning, other team mates leave on Friday and still others leave on Saturday! Time are few, with lots to do. Rita managed to complete the year Financial Year End just in time. Granny celebrates her 84th birthday today, so we tootled off for breakfast this morning too. Jean-Pierre has a quick unexpected trip to the dentist and Rita a badly planned/timed hair appointment this afternoon. Sometime in between and / or after we need to consider the 'packing' thing!


  1. Hi Guys
    Trusting that you have travelled well and arrived safely. Wishing you God Speed ahead with the journey.

    Much love and much prayers!
    God bless you both and keep you.

  2. Hey guys, mark told me take a look because you updated the blog. I have of course given all my partners this blog address and so glad thers movement! All of a sudden i'm so very greataful to rita for her foxy-nifty swiftness to get these things done when nobody's looking - thanx a stack girl! I'm packing today ands its going slow. Grant sent me a picture of an indian traincrash with the words: to wet your appetite - i sinmply asked him what he was thinking? I'm saying goodbye to my lifi sat morning at home already cause he's off to cosmo city gardening project at 8 - a first for us. Looking forward to c u on the other side.... liC paulien

  3. Hi There,

    We are thinking about you and praying for you. We will definitely miss you guys a lot. Hope you are having an awesome time paving the way for the rest of the team's arrival. Rita, I hope you are chatting away to the locals already.....
