Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Rita is having an absolute blast learning the language. Does she make embarrassing errors while speaking to the natives - surely! Does she care? Absolutely not. She has however decided that the learning of the language LAMP style is the passe-partout here. When showing the locals that she is trying they fall over them selves to help and repeat what Rita wants to know over and over till she has managed to fine tune her ears to the tones, then she promptly goes and embarrasses herself once again! But they love it. Everyone is a closet teacher in this place. Rita is just giving them the opportunity to come out of the closet.
Market shopping is the absolute best, because invariably the vendors speak no English! Its the best way to learn. Ahem... much cheaper than a shopping centre too- So going to the baker each morning to buy HAI BUNH MI, instead of going once a week and getting ten, she gets to know the people, they get to know her and she 'chats'. Well at this stage, she chats and they don't have a clue... but it doesn't take away her joy.....
Jean-Pierre has it all worked out. He keeps the map and gets to know where they are and where they want to and how to get there, and Rita can talk to whoever it is they need to talk to....

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