Friday, April 24, 2009

here and somewhere else

getting attached to our headgear.....we wear them ALL the time.... EVERYWHERE we go... even the Wery Cmall places

still trying to figure this particular piece of hardware out...

it was early and quiet...

early and not so quiet.....

this is commonly known as a 'hell - met'.... the trick is realising the thing is still on your head once you think its been removed....

market at sunrise....see - proof that we see the sunrise!

early birds.... in cages against the wall....

bogies in the morning....


  1. Ooh, you guys seem to be having a really great time. Isn't God awesome.

    On the hell-met issue, we don't mind you wearing to the fellowship when you return, but please not two at a time.

    Don't your heads get sweaty in that climate. It is bad enough wearing a helmet in SA, I don't know how you do it there for the whole day.

    The pics and comments are lovely!!!!!!!

    We miss you!!!!!!!

  2. Hmmm, that was me Jenni. I have fixed it now.
