Thursday, April 30, 2009

BsleepUingS (sleeping in bus??)

in rain....

over mountains....

Slowly does it....

and over bridges....

Hours and hours on the road all the way from the south to the north of Vietnam (Ho Chi Min) to (Hanoi). A couple of days stop in Hoi An, one of Rita’s favourite towns.

Sleeper buses are an awesome experience. Only one snag, there is only one bunk in each bus that can actually accommodate tall foreigners. Korean built, the bus is a ‘double-decker sleeper’, it has two doors, one up front and one in the middle, the bed just above the door is longer due to the space needed for the door below. I got it every time, pretty amazing taking into account they don’t allow pre-seat booking. Yes I know HE did it just for me, I am not sure I would have survived letting my legs hang over edge all the way.

A major feature of these buses is they seldom go over 70kms an hour. When up front for about 20mins, while taking these pictures, we never once even went over 40. It’s either the traffic in town or the mountains.

Friday, April 24, 2009

here and somewhere else

getting attached to our headgear.....we wear them ALL the time.... EVERYWHERE we go... even the Wery Cmall places

still trying to figure this particular piece of hardware out...

it was early and quiet...

early and not so quiet.....

this is commonly known as a 'hell - met'.... the trick is realising the thing is still on your head once you think its been removed....

market at sunrise....see - proof that we see the sunrise!

early birds.... in cages against the wall....

bogies in the morning....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

kem kep and more!

water taxi in Hoi An sunset in Muine

flower seller in Hoi An

vendor in Hoi An

Bike and flag

sunset boats

gallery Hoi An

bench Hoi An

In a place where the norms regarding facial features are so different to our own, suffering from prosopagnosia is to be expected. One is apt to embarrass oneself by introducing oneself AGAIN! Only in the last few days am I able to define someone other than the short guy with black hair and almond eyes…

After a harrowing 740km bus trip we finally made it to Hoi An, a quaint picturesque town 760km South of Ha Noi. Beaten and bruised, well that is what it felt like. There were serious road works enroute and the ride was certainly not as smooth as it could have been. But, nothing a shower and a nap in an airconned room on a somewhat firm mattress couldn’t fix!

Took some sweet spot shots yesterday evening, awoke early this morning to do the same….. its just such a pleasant thing to do. Obviously it would be a whole lot better if we were able to lug the AC unit with us, as from around 07h00 AM one starts to show signs of being in a warm climate. Signs include, dripping and melting around the edges. Needing to rest, constantly on the lookout for Ca Phè Suã đà and odd things like Kem Kep for breakfast .(Iced coffee with condensed milk and ice-cream sandwiches for those unfamiliar with the local lingo)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Rita is having an absolute blast learning the language. Does she make embarrassing errors while speaking to the natives - surely! Does she care? Absolutely not. She has however decided that the learning of the language LAMP style is the passe-partout here. When showing the locals that she is trying they fall over them selves to help and repeat what Rita wants to know over and over till she has managed to fine tune her ears to the tones, then she promptly goes and embarrasses herself once again! But they love it. Everyone is a closet teacher in this place. Rita is just giving them the opportunity to come out of the closet.
Market shopping is the absolute best, because invariably the vendors speak no English! Its the best way to learn. Ahem... much cheaper than a shopping centre too- So going to the baker each morning to buy HAI BUNH MI, instead of going once a week and getting ten, she gets to know the people, they get to know her and she 'chats'. Well at this stage, she chats and they don't have a clue... but it doesn't take away her joy.....
Jean-Pierre has it all worked out. He keeps the map and gets to know where they are and where they want to and how to get there, and Rita can talk to whoever it is they need to talk to....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

pics and more

Briggs family out shopping for their snorkeling holiday!

This is what is looks like when the family go out to their club on Sunday mornings

No traffic at all... what a breeze

This is what is known as 'Educating Bonnie to the finer details of snorkel handling'. Mr Brigg has her rapt attention...

A little puddle situation after the afternoon downpour... which lasts , well no rather it doesn't last at just has a lasting effect of WET!

A point to remember…

-nobody wants to crash into anybody else!

That’s the way of the road here in Saigon. It is the one rule that helps us make it through each day that finds us on the roads. Seated on unforgiving Yamaha seats, our heads encased in Styrofoam helmets, we brace ourselves for the daily onslaught of the traffic.

-if the traffic light changes to red, do NOT STOP!

….. if you want to live, that is.

No sudden moves… keep it slow and sure. Just keep moving. Do not look behind you! Concentrate n what is happening in front of you ONLY….


This is the way to get your daily adrenaline boost

This is when you know you are alive…

And love every moment!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

life goes on and days go by...

A peek 'closer to the water' of the view from the fishing village of Mui Ne... the view is more pleasant than the aroma of this spot to be sure...

A pit stop on the way from Mui Ne.... Petrol sold per litre here for motorbikes, from a gravity powered 'pump'. And chicken baguettes (also known locally as bunh mi kep thit ga...which Rita will be quick to let anyone else interested know)

When in 'Rome'.... wearing helmets all day goes down just fine with everyone else...
so what's the problem??

only here...