Thursday, March 28, 2013

Road Trip!! the car bundled with blankets and a well operational heater, off we tripped to Sofia...

Like kids....experienced more snow, we are sure to hate this time of year in the future
but for now we will enjoy the novelty.

And the beauty of it all!

 Took ourselves outside to brave the city, and did some dodgy shopping...

No... this turned out NOT  to be cranberry juice...
this juice when taken in abundance results in hairy ears!

 Bundled snugly...

 In the common room at the Hostel Mostel - our accommodation of choice.

three words - eighteen bed dorm!

Monday, March 25, 2013

We have...

We have furniture! Well actually we have just bought a  little more! We needed to make the other room ready to receive some friends, we decided that we didn't want them to camp on the floor and the furniture was a bargain 

 We have snow!

 And we have curtains in the main bedroom too, well nearly - according to this picture. But they are up and hanging around as curtains are wont to.

 We have friends...

Rather tall friends at that...

Friday, March 22, 2013


 It is rather a phenomenon when one sweeps ,mops and tidies only to constantly discover it untidied. So I tidy again, close the door to cut out any drafts responsible for the untidying only to discover more UNTIDY! hmmm...scribe watched the tidy map to be startled by a black whiz of movement ...our housemate running and pouncing on the mat, again and again! She is cute to watch.

It will be green again soon, it will it will.
The wind last Friday caused some gaps in our homes' facade...

But this is the reason I brought Mr. Barney Pants along.

What did you do with your tree stumps today?

Wood = Character

The village looking a little tired and warn after the winter months.... bound to change soon. Continue to wait for Spring with us and watch this spot!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

quick trip

 Enroute...we hoped to see this up close, but alas that was not to be. 

However... the artist eye was not disappointed at all.

And even found a field of brave crocuses peering out of the grass. Talk about  contrasts. We are really impressed with our adopted country. Also we are mostly cold! We are not going to try fooling ourselves.... we do not think we are ready to face a real winter here yet. 
Oh, I am very very pleased to say I found a Hot water Bottle!!!

Reality ... huh!


Friday, March 15, 2013

oh so cool!

If the following pictures look as though the weather could be on the cooler side of the little red line.... its because it is! Yesterday saw incredible wind storm. The creature took out windows and other debris in its path. Veliko Ternovo was a mess.... Then we got home!

With thanks to the wind... we will yet again be replacing glass window panes. Oh well... its not as if we don't know where to get glass or  anything, right?

Oh yes... Wind was also the ravenous devourer of all electricity in the area... very grateful are we for a little gas cooker and wood stove for heat. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

in and around

 "Work" happening in coffee shop while internet connection not happening at home...

 Some just know where to catch a warm sunny spot while there are others running around like crazymen out in the cold. It was amazing to see our little house guest return to us looking s healthy.

 Its easy to find a Notary, Lawyer or Pharmacy... one just needs to know to look for!

 Monday evening Cottage Pie enjoyed by all. 

 Meesta Barney Pants doing his thing in the 'garden' ... yes Garden is a very
 generous term, much abused here.

 So... what did you do with your feeding trough today? Actually this was yesterday...

 Mans best friend! Well one of them at least.

 The task for today.... cut up the wood that was left in the Garden last year, thanks to our British neighbours
we had quite a pile!


A little reminder of why the wind is so cold and the raindrops a smidgen icy!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

here at last

First impressions upon arrival, pretty dismal to be sure. But that does not stop the blood pumping with excitement.
Some serious emergency repairs... it seems as though though the rats were feeding on the pipes while we were away... sigh.

Without all the greenery we usually find, suddenly some more treasures are obvious!
My land.....gotta love it!
Grateful we are to be "home" again. Rather a harrowing trip from Istanbul to Bulgaria. Check out Jean-Pierre's blog for more details there. 
We entered the house to the aroma of rabbit stew simmering on the little wood stove. Flowers and laughter upon meeting up with friends and "family". 
And... believe it or not one night after returning, "our" cat showed up wanting loving and of course FOOD.
So happy to be back. The weather is much warmer than it was this time last year, though snow is expected in the next two weeks. Hopefully our internet connection will be up and running by Monday, till then we will be a little scarce online. Looking forward to doing the tasks that need doing and catching up with friends. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

new neighbourhood

Back in the neighborhood where pattern and colour abide .
Okay so just for today.

 The view from this rooftop. Our hostel is fine.... well, rather, our hostel is fair enough and clean... very important!

 Breakfast room

 Just around the corner

 The bazaar nearby

 Like I said - PATTERNS

 Around the corner

 Our home for a day. Very graciously, we have been permitted to leave our bags under the stairs as we have checked out and now need to hang around till we can take our bus then train into Bulgaria at 10:38 tonight. A long day ahead. But at least we have enjoyed hot showers and a decent bed to rest. 

Not like yesterday in Doha... hanging around with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Jean-Pierre even shaved while we waited.... 
Air is cool, Beanies out and being much appreciated. Glove? Can't find it yet....