Saturday, March 9, 2013

here at last

First impressions upon arrival, pretty dismal to be sure. But that does not stop the blood pumping with excitement.
Some serious emergency repairs... it seems as though though the rats were feeding on the pipes while we were away... sigh.

Without all the greenery we usually find, suddenly some more treasures are obvious!
My land.....gotta love it!
Grateful we are to be "home" again. Rather a harrowing trip from Istanbul to Bulgaria. Check out Jean-Pierre's blog for more details there. 
We entered the house to the aroma of rabbit stew simmering on the little wood stove. Flowers and laughter upon meeting up with friends and "family". 
And... believe it or not one night after returning, "our" cat showed up wanting loving and of course FOOD.
So happy to be back. The weather is much warmer than it was this time last year, though snow is expected in the next two weeks. Hopefully our internet connection will be up and running by Monday, till then we will be a little scarce online. Looking forward to doing the tasks that need doing and catching up with friends. 

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