Friday, March 22, 2013


 It is rather a phenomenon when one sweeps ,mops and tidies only to constantly discover it untidied. So I tidy again, close the door to cut out any drafts responsible for the untidying only to discover more UNTIDY! hmmm...scribe watched the tidy map to be startled by a black whiz of movement ...our housemate running and pouncing on the mat, again and again! She is cute to watch.

It will be green again soon, it will it will.
The wind last Friday caused some gaps in our homes' facade...

But this is the reason I brought Mr. Barney Pants along.

What did you do with your tree stumps today?

Wood = Character

The village looking a little tired and warn after the winter months.... bound to change soon. Continue to wait for Spring with us and watch this spot!

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