Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Work in all formats...

Friday saw our garden happy neighbour arriving with gardening tools, energy and 
bright smiles to get some planting done...

This is where the pumpkins have been planted... Deshka also informed us that it could snow on Monday...

Kitchen is looking better and better with each passing day.
So much nicer to prepare food without bare walls which disperse at regular intervals their makings onto the counter tops...yes we even have counter tops!

Deshka was quite correct! This is the sight we awoke to on Monday morning.

A little distance away.


  1. I have come to the conclusion that Deshka just enjoys having a larger land to harvest from in autumn, God Bless her

  2. Your kitchen looks amazing!! You guys are miracles workers in many ways xx

  3. Wow, the kitchen looks stunning. Can't wait to see it in real life!
