Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Time spent ...good times

This is a DAY OFF... note Jean-Pierre's attire. He can't wait to get back to work. Not true, we made a quick decision to go and see how much snow was left on the mountain pass... not much as you can see. It was rather a quick melt, as just three days before this picture was taken, this area was covered in snow. And sunshine seemed but a distant dream away.

Doing the 'sightseeing' thing with friends before they return to a constantly 
sunny, warm country...(boring)

We are the proud owners of a sewing machine!This is going to be a great help. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you....you know who you are.

And just before our dear (now departed) Friends returned to SA, they decided now would be a good time to turn this little 'sanctuary' upside down, to make their presence known, to be sure.

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