Monday, April 2, 2012

...times and ... measures

We are truly experiencing interesting times. Weather is topsy turvy, it actually snowed yesterday! And yes of course we were feeling the cold! But we are eternally grateful for the woodburning stove that is in The House. Snow capped mountains in the distance certainly bring home the realization that we are not in Sunny South Africa!

The sky dawned clear and blue this morning but the air was certainly chilly.... and we were all trussed up when we boarded the great big yellow van to go into "town" today. Erm... the white one died a rather sudden and unexpected death while carroussing about in the then still rain.... which later turned into wet white blobs falling from the sky that is...

 What an absolute treat to have capless internet at a fraction of the cost we pay at home at a speed that even I notice the difference!
Having some hiccups with banking and paying the debit orders to the respective missionaries... but thanks to dear friends on the same banking system, we are able to get around this little stone... yes that does mean, I will be making contact with the bank fella in SA and attempt to sort out the hiccup.

Cooked some meat this evening for dinner... cannot be sure what it was due to language limitations, but Jordan said, "I don't know what part of which beast it was, but gee it was good, Mom" so... nuff said.
And... We now are no longer in desparate need to open up the windows when I start the fire... small sense of achievement here.

And even managed to give Mister a breakfast in bed!( no coughing and spluttering aiming outside for the cold but fresh breathable air!)

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