Thursday, April 12, 2012

my Boys!

 Well it would seem we are not the only ones who approve of our present home...
This is the cat who has decided to adopt us while we are here, she is extremely verbal and even more affectionate.

 This week held some more Firsts for me: I took a local bus from Dryanovo to Gostilitsa. It was tough trying to find out where the bustop actually was as there are no markings in neither Bulgarian or English... you either know where it is or you ask. Well it wasn't long before I found myself cocooned in a rattling affair surrounded by old men with watery eyes, smelling of woodsmoke and whiskey careening down the road back to the place I know. Then, our British neighbours who had been out on their holidays were returning to their home in Yorkshire and so she gave me all her 'leftover' from her fridge.... now you do recall , we have no fridge, right? Anyhooo, with new ingredients that needed using and a roaring fire in the woodstove.... I BAKED A SOMETHING BULGARIAN.

 As much as we are experiencing an absolute plethora of changes.... some things are as constant as the fish in the sea...

 Electrical adjustments and improvements happening at night. We are so grateful that we have a longlead heaving itself across the street all the way into our kitchen! Thank you Krasi and Iva for your generosity.
We would've been in a somewhat different emotional state without the blessings your electricity brings with it.

 It was a little cold to be sitting outside of an evening... so my clever boys have brought our lounge into the kitchen.... Abu Kote' approves.

 even though its cold outside... that does not stop a treat from the Lidle Store in Veliko Tarnovo... icecream travelled 40 minutes and waited for the chairs to be strung before being enjoyed.

 Things are starting to move towards projects that need  doing... it's getting easier to think that way when one has the tools to be able to accomplish them...

 Slacking off on a Sunday afternoon, what am I going to do with him?
 No matter what tools are bought, made or yearned for... TEETH still come in handy! In fact, my suggestion was dump the purchasing of expensive tools and just do all the work with TEETH.  Needless to say that was one of my 'not so well received' suggestions...erm.

 This is what five cubic meters of firewood looks like!
and this is what two wonderfully hardworking men look like!


  1. good work chaps !
    leave some work for us ok !

  2. My house also doesn't seem so great at the moment - all tiles ripped out and redone .... walls coming down ... lots and lots of dust and sneezes.

    So: what I'm actually saying is: I feel your pain a tiny, weeny, little bit.

    Rulene (and Oupa)
