Sunday, August 28, 2011

and so...

So in a land where fasting all day is the norm, and breaking fast in a celebratory fashion is something that is anticipated with glee, is where we find ourselves..... eating Turkish Delight in the the land of the Turk!

What an interesting place – nothing like what I thought it would be like. I somehow had an incredibly ‘backward’ expectation to say the least! Here the tourists are ‘vol op’ and the locals range from absolute arrogance to humble servitude within the space of four coffee tables....admittedly the coffee tables are surprisingly small.... a little in the Vietnamese tradition, for those who know.

We have decided that the food is wonderful, the music suspect and the people interesting.Lifestyle is appealing as everything happens in a really 'Laid Back' fashion including imbibing tea. Though one has a tendency of letting one's tea get cold.....

Language is not featuring as I decided not to try and conquer it as it is bound to confuse me next week when we go to Bulgaria.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

another day closer...

Checking in, checking in.... Rita to Base Rita to Base.... Wednesday evening and all is well. Erm all is probably not so well for everyone, like Granny for instance... see, I forgot to warm her dinner and take it in to her - AGAIN! Two nights in a row, she sat in her daughter's Recliner waiting in vain for someone to bring her dinner. If anything this treatment should up her motivation levels to start doing things for herself again.... one can only hope! Oh yes, and  today we were 'fortunate' enough to catch our house keeper helping herself to Rita's wallet.... ah yes, there were consequences! Wherever we are , lives change, what can I say?
We had another board meeting last night and it was great. Great people, great goals great team... did I mention great? Sigh.... and tomorrow is our last day before heading off to Turkey, Bulgaria and the UK.... starting to think along the lines of what bag I should pack my things in.... oh, and I should do some laundry.....Rita checking out..... лека нощ

Monday, August 15, 2011

bits n pieces

look what I found in our garden last week

Our new skyline --- pretty!
And..... we have a thief in our midst!
 This little Scallywag has stolen his heart... and mine too... sigh, and I don't even like dogs!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

frrrizzztsebvb bbnvc

 ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ

Saturday, August 6, 2011

not todo list

Most of us have a 'list' of things we want to do.... well this week Ifound myself in a situation where I crossed off something on my what NOT TODO LIST!  It was scary, embarassing and shaming to say the least, no you will certainly not get any more details regarding this other than to say that some things have the ability to change one's plans in an instant! Change one's outlook on life entirely and make one vulnerable as one never believed one could be. That 'one' being yours truly! I thank God for faithful friends and His intervention wholeheartedly!
Whew.... next week is most welcome!