Monday, February 15, 2010

Dutrieux data end Jan

In Ministry:
This year we are truly hoping to make great strides. Funny how one is able to make such statements so early in the year… Let us pray that this time next year this part of the newsletter will proclaim JUST how great the strides were in the Kingdom! Passage to Purpose, the Encounter, is shaping on all fronts. Including the physical preparations for a better ‘classroom’ environment. We feel that the base is finally coming into its fullness regarding serving the things of the Kingdom to a larger degree. Already each Saturday the place hosts a ‘Output’ fellowship, as of next month Sundays will be ‘Input” fellowship time here on the base too.
Courses will be kicking off soon too, so all in all, these two acres are going to be earning their keep! Now if only we could get our washed away driveway to be able to keep up!
And in the family:
Jean-Pierre is still doing one on one coaching for the KIF and loving it. Jean-Pierre is finally ‘legal’. He went for his Motor cycle learners test this month and passed! Oddly, he was stopped by the police asking for his license for the first time in his life right after he received his piece of paper. Go figure! Both he and Jordan go for their Driver tests in Feb. Jordan has started his own business in a more official format and is busy, busy, busy! He loves his new van, now he just needs to pay for it! Hence the busyness. Dorianne is freelancing and working extremely hard. Her time is more like the USA at this stage as the people she is working for, are based there. Quite intriguing how our world has become such a small place…technology never ceases to amaze. Rita is eagerly setting up admin  for handling the new course details and also she has taken on the bookkeeping side of things for Jordan’s side of things. That is a bit of a challenge at this stage as she has never had the opportunity to set up something from scratch… but she has some wonderful friends who are only too keen to help out in that department. J
Jean-Pierre and Rita went to the Cape to attend a good friend’s wedding and make some wonderful new friends! It was a good time.
Please continue to pray for us as a family during this time.
We are excited to see what God has in store for us.
Please pray that we will hear His voice in each step we take.
Pray for safety during building renovations.
For sanity in all the course endeavors and changes.
That we might find Joy in all things

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