Saturday, August 1, 2009

Data July

Dutrieux data – July ‘09

On the home front – Its warming up again, getting ready for an African Summer and all that… Right!

Okay that was a little enthusiastic, everyone who knows anything about the weather, will know that by mid September we are able to start thinking about Spring. Alas, the days are warmer at the moment. The picture just below is the first tree to give any indication of a change in seasons… but she says nothing yet… sigh.

On the work front – Regarding ministry, we had a ‘break through moment’ last Saturday evening. We launched the first Starting Point section of the course Passage to Purpose. It was very well received and now the admin for this begins with a bang. We are excited to see God’s hand in all phases of our lives and ministry. He is so apparent. Now the next phase is to ‘clean up’ what we have developed and move further to the next stage of the course. We did a trial run only and will still let you know when the ‘real thing’ happens. The energy levels are high and the team’s enthusiasm is contagious, so we expect lots to get done in the next month or so.

Plans are underway to lead a team to India during the month of October. Many have booked and paid for their tickets, but others have not as yet.

The KE Board got together for another meeting, things are starting to move along nicely. More people are taking up responsibility for different areas, meaning that the whole ministry is not just dependant on Jean-Pierre and Rita. It is a good place to be.

The KE Mission Fellowship is just over a year old. More thrilling still, is that it functions well without any Dutrieuxs. This is refreshing to say the least, previously, when we have been away for whatever reason, activity on the base has come to a screeching ‘slow down’ if not quite a stop. Praise God for that.

On the youngstas front – Dorianne is still at uni working hard on her final subject which will get her the Diploma she has been working so hard towards. Jordan is on a term break at the moment, though as of next week he will be pushing his handyman business hard. He has finished with two N6 subjects now, having just done his exams. Micaela smiles. She seems fine, she has not gone to hospital this winter with lung problems like pneumonia etc., which is a huge achievement! So we are grateful that God has His hand there too.

Thank God for His strength and grace

We still praise him for good health and warmer days.

We stand in awe to see how He goes before us, and even more thrilled that he wants relationship with us.

Please pray that the finances needed for the trip to India come through in sufficient time.

We are thankful for the impact that the course is having lives so far.

We continue to pray that God’s hand is oh, so very visible in your daily life.

Till next time

And don’t forget to keep an eye on our blog sites

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