Sunday, May 24, 2009

so far... so good

March left us at the airport in Johannesburg about to embark on a journey – in more ways than one. Our itinerary was rather loosely set up, but we were trusting that God would sharpen it as we went along. Is it not amazing how God never disappoints?

He certainly had a tighter itinerary than we could have ever worked out for ourselves. We spent a quick time in Thailand, just to be able to get visas for Vietnam and China, then went to Cambodia to see some missionary friends there. Following a brief time there we travelled by bus to Vietnam. Vietnam welcomed us back with open arms and encouraged us to stay a while longer there. (This was due to a couple of different reasons) This is where we also applied for a new/temporary passport for Jean-Pierre as his was filling up rapidly with visas and stamps, stamps and yet more stamps.

We finally met up with Friends who ushered us in to China to many places, meeting many people there. It was an extremely successful time, and encouraging too, as we had confirmed to us repeatedly that what we are doing is what the world needs right now, so… back to working out the details as soon as we return home. Details of this part of the trip remain vague for obvious reasons. Leaving China did not go quite as planned, but, “Thank you Lord, that Jean-Pierre had a new passport”… and we ended up slipping in through Laos to go back to Bangkok, which is where we catch a plane for home. At the Laos border, the young fella in uniform at the immigration went on a stamping frenzy and filled up pages of passports that previously JP did not have! Yahweh Knows!!!

Laos was rather beautiful, quite hot and very humid. A pity we didn’t see more of it. But we were literally, just passing through. The roads are horrific, and the bus trips were rather hairy to say the least, but we never got motion sickness! VICTORY! It is with a great sense of achievement that we can get off a bus and look at menus as to what’s for dinner!

Finishing off in Bangkok to spend weekend with Missionaries from SA.

About to meet up with Deon, Corne and boys to spend the day with them. Please think hard as they are looking for a house in Bangkok and are using this weekend to go househunting!

Now we wanna....

Get home.

Feel the cool of winter.


Get cracking on the course material which will be starting in July.

Hug our kids.

Both Dorianne and Micaela had birthdays while we were away.

Hug our kids again.

Both Dorianne and Jordan have colds and flu right now.

Hug kids again

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