The colours are absolutely incredible. Most gardens boast a plethora of bulb flowers.
Even the ones that nobody ever plants are enjoyed...
Some so yummy looking.... you want ice cream now don't you?

more green...
Day or night...Beautiful.
Jean-Pierre is now the proud owner of a ....ROOSTER???
YEAH! After all his hard labour he has been rewarded with a rooster that when touched or moved, flashes red eyes and crows... THREE TIMES!!!
Here we were feeling a little like the story of the Elves and the Shoemaker,
the only difference being...
Deshka and Stefan are not elves and neither are they making shoes! They came to cut down our very own little but growing jungle. Bless 'em.
More Antics happening in kitchen very soon will show the final result.
Meesta up to his tricks again... Bless 'im too.
Looks amazing!! Love you guys