A time to change countries…
You know its time to leave when the towels are this big and fluffy in our.....
When a boquet of chickens is more common than flowers...
'AFTER" pics have nothing to do with blemishes or weightloss!
A leetle concerning was the part at the border crossing where firstly Mister’s passport seemed to be causing much talking in afore mentioned foreign language, to such a degree that Rita’s passport proceedings were put on hold till Mista’s were agreed upon by all parties. Only for Rita’s passport , while being scanned, started illiciting certain unpleasant beeping noises, Turn passport to another page, scan again – beeps again. Some rather frantic looking around, twisting passport into yet another position only to receive the same ‘orrible “DENIED” beeping noise! Mister came back from the bus, to see what was keeping his sweet missus… to find her grinning rather stupidly with relief as the passport was cleared to leave the country.
Okidoki…. So now with hindsight… we understand the REAL purpose for Jean-Pierre receiving his temporary/emergency passport.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, and lack of communication, knowledge of language and plain not understanding… we find ourselves in LAOS! Which in itself is not a bad thing considering the absolute breathtaking beauty and dramatic weather of the place. What is important to note however that is at the border…. TWO pages of passport gets used by short guy with black hair on a stamping bonanza with a pad of ink!.. Both red and black in colour if you need to know.
What is amazing is that there is so much beauty, a huge amount of forestry, incredibly dramatic
Okidoki…. So now with hindsight… we understand the REAL purpose for Jean-Pierre receiving his temporary/emergency passport.
What is amazing is that there is so much beauty, a huge amount of forestry, incredibly dramatic
skies, hardly any bits of road…. Etc.
wonderfully new and unexpected experience. All in trying to get back to Bangkok, in time to see some good friends and to get a plane home.
The bus trips are absolutely treacherous, so we still covert your thoughts! But as long as one is prepared to watch was once was a road for twelve hours straight, one will, hopefully, not spend that time hanging out the front door with motion sickness! Another thing to consider while doing these trips are the continual cheep cheep cheep noises coming from the aromatic back of the bus where one is able to find EIGHT boxes of chicks! Then somewhere along the way, with the sun beating down on us we stop to wait another twenty minutes or so at the edge of a track waiting. Waiting for what exactly we know not… due to language thing, right? Anyhow, breathless and dusty hanging on to a sack, grass twine still in her hand a woman boards the bus. It wasn’t long before we all knew what took her so long…. A woeful Kwaaawwk , kwawk, kwawk emitting its origins from the depth of the sack put us all at ease as to the new passengers. (basically, we imagine it took her twenty minutes or so to catch the feathered, unwilling passengers.) But certainly the beauty that surrounds us makes up for the inconveniences. The fatigue that sets in passes as soon as one has had a bed to lay down on(minimum6 hours)… alas, that is after somebody’s husband has run around trying to find the bus that dropped us in the middle of a town that was still harboring that somebody’s bag! – in English. Rita’s bag stayed on a bus from lantern to Laos! What a blessing there were five men (with the help of whatever it was they had been drinking) bundled Jean-Pierre into a truck and set off in search of a bus together! With Success!
The end to another interesting day of the journey.
The bus trips are absolutely treacherous, so we still covert your thoughts! But as long as one is prepared to watch was once was a road for twelve hours straight, one will, hopefully, not spend that time hanging out the front door with motion sickness! Another thing to consider while doing these trips are the continual cheep cheep cheep noises coming from the aromatic back of the bus where one is able to find EIGHT boxes of chicks! Then somewhere along the way, with the sun beating down on us we stop to wait another twenty minutes or so at the edge of a track waiting. Waiting for what exactly we know not… due to language thing, right? Anyhow, breathless and dusty hanging on to a sack, grass twine still in her hand a woman boards the bus. It wasn’t long before we all knew what took her so long…. A woeful Kwaaawwk , kwawk, kwawk emitting its origins from the depth of the sack put us all at ease as to the new passengers. (basically, we imagine it took her twenty minutes or so to catch the feathered, unwilling passengers.) But certainly the beauty that surrounds us makes up for the inconveniences. The fatigue that sets in passes as soon as one has had a bed to lay down on(minimum6 hours)… alas, that is after somebody’s husband has run around trying to find the bus that dropped us in the middle of a town that was still harboring that somebody’s bag! – in English. Rita’s bag stayed on a bus from lantern to Laos! What a blessing there were five men (with the help of whatever it was they had been drinking) bundled Jean-Pierre into a truck and set off in search of a bus together! With Success!
The end to another interesting day of the journey.
We are thinking about you!!!