Friday, February 9, 2018

Well I admit... this has certainly been a LLLOOOOONNNGG time coming... years in fact. So it has nothing at all to do with a New Year and all that, rather this would probably serve well as a reminder... remembering what we have done, who we have met and where we have been for how long etc. is getting harder and harder. Whether its because we are getting that much older, less memory power, doing so much stuff or simply not doing enough.... Not going to try and figure it out this round. Suffice to say...
We ARE back!
We have done STUFF
Met new friends
Gone places
yep, getting older and loving every moment of it!

I do think I will keep this going, or would the correct term be resurrect this spot? It will have a tone of freedom and certainly a taste of grace. I might even share photographs! Go figger. I am ready for life, Bring It On!

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