Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sneaking in Africa

Well we tried it and it works!
Stealth Camping in South Africa

Afrikaya is the name of our tiny home on wheels here in Sunny South Africa and we absolutely love her! She has all we need and more. She performs like a Prima ballerina on stage. Addiction is not supposed to be a good thing, but in this case we will agree to disagree.

We live in a beautiful country, and have the honour to see more of it,
get to know it, fall in love again..

Being addicted to: Freedom to go where we please, with or without plans and when we do have plans, willing to change them at any time. What a great way to live, what a privilege! The joys of the open road, no pressure to be anywhere specific at a prescribed time, who can ask for anything more?A day in the sunshine with a great friend, good book a camera on hand to capture those times...

Having time on our hands, doesn't mean we do nothing though. We are always aware of the fact that God has given us time. Being senior citizens does not mean life is over by any means, rather, time for us to change the world, one trip at a time. We love what we are doing, even though it looks as if we are professional holiday makers.

 Meeting people, making friends, sharing ideas, giving counsel and camping! Eating meals in quirky places, eating quirky meals in mundane places.... sigh, someones gotta do it!

Maybe there needs to be some selfie taking practice in all this time... ya think?

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Flourish 2018

From Now On..... Flourish!

Its rather something to think about, when one attends a "Ladies Gathering" and no matter your age, your status or stage in life, one can honestly feel great and excited with the words "From now on". It's liberating to to understand the fullness of these words, liberating to know that until God shows you otherwise, you can, may, are even encouraged to turn the page, and start fresh.

Another thing, folding an origami heart, writing your dreams and sorrows, ambitions and regrets....hitching said red paper heart to the 'FUTURE' is powerful! It's that new page, new chapter and new belief in yourself and in the mighty God you serve.
Trusting that He will guide your steps, talk softly to your heart and drench you in His Grace, wow.

From now on...I will
From now on ...I am able
From now on...I can
From now on...I will allow Him
From now on...He is my (fill in the blank)
From now on... I am His (fill in the blank)
From now on...we are equipped to

  ad infinitum! 

What about you? What does you new chapter hold? Where will your feet take you?
Who will you influence?
From now on - FLOURISH!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Well I admit... this has certainly been a LLLOOOOONNNGG time coming... years in fact. So it has nothing at all to do with a New Year and all that, rather this would probably serve well as a reminder... remembering what we have done, who we have met and where we have been for how long etc. is getting harder and harder. Whether its because we are getting that much older, less memory power, doing so much stuff or simply not doing enough.... Not going to try and figure it out this round. Suffice to say...
We ARE back!
We have done STUFF
Met new friends
Gone places
yep, getting older and loving every moment of it!

I do think I will keep this going, or would the correct term be resurrect this spot? It will have a tone of freedom and certainly a taste of grace. I might even share photographs! Go figger. I am ready for life, Bring It On!