Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dutrieux data... a catch up

Dutrieux Data
COLD-March 2014

Two Passage to Purpose courses completed in the last half of the year. Now handing over the two output platforms in each of the congregations. The hope is that they will develop further with their own flavour while we spend time here in Bulgaria. 

The time has come to look and see clearly what has happened to us and around us in just a few short months. Believe it or not already one quarter of the year is done, over , sloosh, krai, finito… it matters not how it is spelled but the fact that it is done and dusted.. what have we done with the time given to us? Well, we for one have had some rather interesting hospital shenanigans. Jordan was supposed to go to Kalafong State hospital to get the titanium plate removed from his wrist. Only to be postponed so many times that we felt it would be better all-round if he had the op done in Malaysia.

Funnily enough he managed to turn a five hour layover into fifteen as he 
fell asleep at the boarding gate and missed his original flight!

 Which he eventually did, without so much as a hitch. Jean-Pierre was surprised to find a ‘mole’ that was growing quite happily on his shoulder was cancerous. Whoops, quick, got rid of that one. Two surgeries later was cleared of all cancer. Needs to go for a six month check up though just to make sure. Then he was stung by a wasp…. Not a pretty sight. Rita had to have dental work and then her wrist packed up… still not doing too well as she is supposed to rest the thing… right.              
Who will ……………………………………. For her?
a)      Wash dishes b) Cook c) Iron d) Dress e) All the above.
Jean-Pierre that’s who! In good times and bad and all that. Sickness, health richer and poorer etc.

We are the proud owners of a Type D visa for Bulgaria. So good, as it means we can now apply for temporary Residency, which in turn means we no longer have to fork out for visas and or insurances each time we travel to Bulgaria. This is good, good, good.
lunch in Gabrovo! In the cold and wet.

Traveling to Gostilitza was done slightly differently this time as we did not stay over in Istanbul, but went instead straight to the train station and bought tickets for Bulgaria overnight train. Hung around in Turkey’s Capital for the day.. dog tired, and welcomed sleeping on the train. God is good.

 queuing for coffee!

Landed on a cold wet day in Dryanovo, came home to a fire made and food warming on the pechka…. Great neighbours to take such good care of us. Met friends for coffee, and they fed us too… gotta love this place and her people.

Friends and families will be joining us over the next few months, to visit and just SEEEE.

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