Friday, August 23, 2013

Raining and pouring

Talking Turkey while enjoying  some Time Out.
Since we have hit South African soil we have been trotting. We returned to find that we needed to put in place a 'Fool Proof System' to be instituted while on our travels. We have also learned that it is not always wise to be too trusting with all people. In future we intend to make it easier to trust hired workers by setting up an air tight system. Tough school but necessary lessons.
Jean-Pierre has been meeting regularly with folk to establish certain platforms in church congregations - two. And he has also been learning just how much he needs to use his ankle... very aware of it not working the way it should after a rather iffy fall from a motorcycle during our last day in Bulgaria. Ligaments take a long, long time to heal properly.
Left ankle starting to swell after fall.
Sadly it would seem that it is not in the cards to go back to Bulgaria this year. But Jordan is enjoying a three month stint there right now. He loves that place too.
Empty nest? YEAH!!! Bring it on! Offspring one now living in Cape Town and loving life there. Offspring two left two weeks after her to go to Empty Nest is just a temporary state as he returns mid October. Maybe just a tease?
Computers crashing and dying with a whimper, resulting in a real lack of general communications ... this scribe finds it rather tedious to write full scale letters with fat fingers on little hand phones....
But things are looking up in a big way. Thankyou so much Doctor for making laptop feel so much better and getting a really sick desktop to be able to take her place back on top of desk rather than stuck underneath it gathering dust.
Its great to be able to call on friends... especially since our 'inhousecomputerperson' is in her own house in Cape Town.
Blessings till next time

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