Sunday, June 16, 2013

Blogger seems to be messing up all the pictures taken in Portrait Mode, thank you blogger.
So much happened so much time passed. Trying to keep up with posting here has been tougher than expected. It is truly amazing how much one relies on a steady internet connection. Well here we are, back in a place where the connection is right in our room. Right now Jean-Pierre and I are waiting out our time in Istanbul. Our flight is on Tuesday afternoon, but due to some rather unexpected events, we are in a hotel room waiting for time to pass.

A quick catch up is surely in order. So here we go…
new path created to reach gully at the border of the garden 
 Mosaic, tea and biscuits
early morning on the mountain
finding the gully 
still looking for the gully
Lunch and a subsequent broken bench... nevermind, fixed again , now back to lunch!
off to the waterfall after lunch.... transporting the team was a treat.
and enroute.


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