Sunday, October 21, 2012

another day another victory

A room with a view... it would seem as if some gypsies have moved into the second floor of the three story building for the winter... who can blame them? It gets a little too cool to camp!

The next job needed to be done before snow comes and breaks down more pieces of this roofing onto the car...

The brave man to do the job!

Well... the only man actually.

 And now... just for a little something to do...

Dig a hole, then fill it with concrete...and start building a stone buttress to support a collapsing wall...

Ever grateful to our neighbours who lightened the load considerably by letting 
Jean-Pierre make use of their mixer.

Stone the crows but these rocks are really heavy!

Barney pants!!!.... yeah he was tired when these days were done.

Wouldya lookit that!?

And and and.... the water meter got read..... now to wait and see if we ever receive a bill.

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