Friday, March 9, 2012

She hangs her head in shame.....

Its been quiet for a while it's true to be sure
So much going on, including manure
Though good stuff abounds and things get done
Shortage of time though, is making us run.

Geysers are popping and drains going bust
builders are building, always covered in dust
Fences are ticking and sparks sometimes fly
Things keep breaking and we're wondering why?

Look on the bright side she says to JP
if its on the blink now, then you will see
you fix it and mend it so that when we are gone
nothing will will break because its already done.

So back to the kitchen and off she goes
Prepares food for 20 new missions heroes
She says that in faith and believes it is true
Mapping Point is here again... where are you?

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