Wednesday, October 31, 2012


There are always emotions involved....
That's just who we are
traveling, meeting people and new friends,
What we can do, what we have done, all comes in to play.

Joy at meeting old friends again,
Sadness to know time will come to an end.
Thrilling to be heading back home,
overshadowed by the loss of leaving.

When differences are welcomed ,
similarities enjoyed and compared,
Sometimes even found lacking
Surprises accepted even expected.

Two weeks is not enough time
to say goodbye.

Monday, October 29, 2012

 A beautiful setting

 With wonderful friends...

 Note the quick spontaneous shot here...

An incredible surprise to....

 An amazing event!

Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Birthday madness

Friends and neighbours certainly know how to make a special occasion out of a birthday

 They brought Banitsa, Rice Pudding, Pita  laughter and flares.... I supplied cake. The flares were supposed to be sparklers...erm, they behaved as flares would given half a chance in Deshka's capable hands...

Then we took a road trip...

No really... the party went to the road....

 And landed up down in the local shop....
Then it ended with a quiet cuppa back at home... what a great time!

Just another day?

So ... the ladder made it to the end of the Buttress

 Now...we are able to look at the space without fearing the imminent collapse!

And when he has some "spare" time... he climbs onto roofs again!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

another day another victory

A room with a view... it would seem as if some gypsies have moved into the second floor of the three story building for the winter... who can blame them? It gets a little too cool to camp!

The next job needed to be done before snow comes and breaks down more pieces of this roofing onto the car...

The brave man to do the job!

Well... the only man actually.

 And now... just for a little something to do...

Dig a hole, then fill it with concrete...and start building a stone buttress to support a collapsing wall...

Ever grateful to our neighbours who lightened the load considerably by letting 
Jean-Pierre make use of their mixer.

Stone the crows but these rocks are really heavy!

Barney pants!!!.... yeah he was tired when these days were done.

Wouldya lookit that!?

And and and.... the water meter got read..... now to wait and see if we ever receive a bill.

play then some work...

Just a pretty before a storm

 So... this is the first time ever to have seen one of these.....
Like anyone that blotto is even going to notice the contraption on the wall on his way home after a serious night of partying, right? Then... if he does see the thing, he's not going to be able to work out how to operate it, and... if none of the former apply, why bother? He must be sober enough not to be intimidated by what his alcohol levels are...

Went out in the rain.... celebrated years and years and years together. No Roy and Debbie have been married that long we only met in March!

The next job

The location...

The volunteer.....

And Tah Dahhhhh... the result!

Friday, October 19, 2012

hmmmmm dinner

Good food and better company!

It wasn't a birthday party... it was JUST NIKOL'S BIRTHDAY!

The mothers....

After the Rakia!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Barney pants again...

The weather has been rather on the warm side, work has been erm... yeah, work has been!
And sleep has been somewhat interrupted. Each time we move in the bed we wake ourselves up... yes it creaks and squeals THAT badly. Well... no more. The Bulgarian house is now the proud owner of a squeal free bed!

So, the Barney Pants were donned with great intentions again this morning and even greater results!


A double insulated front door!

 Erm door... as there is only one door. 

As I sit writing this post there is an erratic bell ringing in the street right outside the bedroom window... I wonder who it belongs to? And this what she found...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bulgaria village life again

The pictures are seemingly random... but, that just goes with the territory!
It is wonderful to be back. Albeit feeling a little handicapped regarding language due to serious lack of practice. Nevermind, it will improve shortly. Back to baking again as one does not go to neighbours empty handed..... Crumpets are quick and easy with minimal ingredients... will go shopping soon.

 Deshka, was surely not reprimanding me again???

 Out came the Barney Dungarees and a little plumbing was done. 
The washing machine now operates inside the house!  Thank you Darling.

 I managed to drag myself off the chair and went for a short walk....pretty.

Welcome home flowers!

Barney pants... Gate latched easier to operate!!

So.... the puppy on the left sports the name "Jean-Pierre" and the little lady on the right...
 you guessed it - "Rita" 

Pensioners Party down in the village hall this morning... so what I was invited. I am 
certainly the Baby in the group. 

Each day I harvest fresh tomatoes and peppers... thank you to those green fingers!You know who you are

We are so grateful to our Bulgarian Families for taking such good care of us. From storing our 'stuff', driving all the way to the airport to collect us, letting us 'bum' their electricity, fresh eggs, cleaning the house, watering the tomato plants, weeding and generally doing all with such love.