Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December Data

Time for reflection
This is a time of year when one sits down reached our goals, whether we should even have goals, what we could have done to make things better or even just different. And on this note…
This past year has seen many developments. Some for the better and others just different. Some unexpected and others well yes and others! Amazed we stand at how God has been faithful throughout all. Times of growth have been in abundance, and times of laughter and tears have had their fair share through the past year too. Our focus has strengthened and our purpose has been confirmed. This is true both ministry and personally speaking. Even though there have been so many changes, one thing remains the same, and that is, we serve an almighty God. A God who remains the same yesterday, today and forever!
We are the proud members of a truly motivated team that is happily taking responsibility on all sides regarding ministry. We are blessed to know you and have them as friends. It is a refreshing time in this ministry not to be the sole carriers of the vision and we are oh so grateful for this.
We have had some interesting developments where we led a team to Asia in the beginning of this past year.
From that another team was taken by Mark and Paulien – team members- to India,
And during that time Jean-Pierre and Rita went with Kobus and Hanneke to ‘spy out the land” of Bulgaria.
All of the above are steeped in good soil and beginning to bear fruit. More details will be shared at the Midrand base on the 21st January 2012. (watch your inbox for invite)
Well Jean-Pierre’s mother has had a tough ride since breaking her hip and pelvis in February but as those breaks have healed it’s just a matter of her taking up the reins of her life again…easier said than done.
Dorianne is doing well with her choice of work. Freelancing as an illustrator, designer for a few prominent companies. And loving it.
Jordan still has Handyman company yet his passion remains the bush and all that’s in it! Yes that includes snakes… sigh
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.
We are still called to be an EFFECTIVE link between church and missions..

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