Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Look what I deeeeed!

I took an old crook lookin' pot, melted some butter and added some milk.... melted for a bit then put in some more butter. Once it started to boil, added a whole two kilos of sugar.....
Swished it around in the crook looking pot  for a bit

And after having added some syrup, swished it around some more...
all the while there were actually flames under the pot,

Till it started to get darker and darker, making quick bubbling noises... Though one has to understand the language of of the pot... only, and ONLY when the pot starts to talk in slow plop, ffffff sounds is it getting ready to come off the stove about an hour and a half


It even freezes wonderfully!
That is of course only if the rest of the household allow it to get that far!

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