Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Look what I deeeeed!

I took an old crook lookin' pot, melted some butter and added some milk.... melted for a bit then put in some more butter. Once it started to boil, added a whole two kilos of sugar.....
Swished it around in the crook looking pot  for a bit

And after having added some syrup, swished it around some more...
all the while there were actually flames under the pot,

Till it started to get darker and darker, making quick bubbling noises... Though one has to understand the language of of the pot... only, and ONLY when the pot starts to talk in slow plop, ffffff sounds is it getting ready to come off the stove about an hour and a half


It even freezes wonderfully!
That is of course only if the rest of the household allow it to get that far!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Moving forward, up and down

Well finally... we have been blessed and are now able to make bookings and payments for tickets to Bulgaria... well Turkey actually, then on to Bulgaria via bus.
Tomorrow we go and hand in a whole manuscript's worth of paperwork to the consulate to apply for the visas.... hmmm I'll keep you posted!
This we believe is what is called moving forward
Then  this afternoon, Jordan moved up onto the roof and promptly fell down through said roof...
Scratched to a turn, refrains from coughing, avoids sneezing completely and simply refuses to laugh... I'd diagnose as the Mother/Doctor I are .... one cracked rib perhaps?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Delayed Dutrieux Data

It’s been a while since  there has been an ‘Official’ newsletter from our side, but at least you have been kept up to date with the happenings in our lives right here as always. Somehow it seems easier to write as life happens, then other times, well that’s when there are long blanks in the calendar...

Home sweet home...

After returning from a very successful exposure trip and time in Asia, we were welcomed home by a Granny with a broken hip! Who later  (after her hip replacement op) keeled over while taking her Zimmer Frame for a walk and subsequently broke her pelvis - in two places no less! Right... recovery has been very, very slow as she seems to think that it all has to be downhill from here on and has no interest in food, which makes things extremely difficult. Admittedly, Francoise is taking the brunt of her care, even though Granny has a care giver during the day.

Winter has landed with a bang! Hot water Bottles are very apparent in the household. Our little fire place is also doing her part to keep the chill at bay.
Ministry Front,

Regarding Passage to Purpose - Since our return we have presented four Starting Points, one Turning Point and this weekend sees us doing the first of two Mapping Points just to keep us in the swing of things...And then the coaching is up and running at full speed. So, all in all, not too shabby!

The whole of May we were to be found at Lewende Woord Church in Brumeria where JP taught the second year students the World Mission Course. It went very well and lives were certainly changed during that time.

Jean-Pierre has presented two weekend workshops for individuals who desire to work within churches, they were extremely informative and exhausting too. A great time was had as we had the ‘delegates’ camping in the garden.... and it rained! Never a dull moment. EVERYBODY knows that it does NOT rain on the Highveld in winter, hmmm, moving right along...

We were the happy hosts of the YWAM team from Worcester as they made their way on to Kenya for their outreach. Toasted marshmallows were a hit as we sat around the fire in the cold night air... they also learned all about ‘S’mores’. (For more info contact Rita on this)

We have just completed another Mapping Point this weekend... it was a wonderful time had by all who attended.

Personally speaking
We feel that God is saying we need to ‘plough our own land’... so that’s just what is happening. We feel that we need to upgrade the rental and accommodation situation and so that is exactly what we are doing, some of the ‘we’ are getting a whole lot dirtier in the process than others... ahem. Bulgaria is still heavy on our hearts and we can see God’s hand moving in miraculous ways with regards to this. We have been home bound since our exposure trip to Asia in the beginning of the year and soon we might be heading out to ‘spy the land’ in the ‘poor cousin’ country of the EU – Bulgaria. Rita, in faith, has already started getting a grip on the language!
And Prayerfully...
There are a few points that we would appreciate if you would lift before the Father in prayer for us

*      That Passage to Purpose might truly find its mark in the lives that it gets presented to.

*      God’s will be clear to us regarding the future of Kingdom Encounters in general and also regarding what Bulgaria might really mean.

*      For continued good health for us as a family – we are truly grateful that we are healthy as we see all around us how debilitating bad health can leave one.

*      For Granny (Jean-Pierre’s Mom) that she might improve and strengthen from day to day – also that she has the will to make the effort.

*      Strength and encouragement is muchly needed for Francoise who has practically given up all to take care of her mother, including her home, in which Granny camps by day and sleeps at night – in the lounge area.
We thank you most sincerely for your continued prayer and support, without your backing we understand our absolute weakness.

Friday, July 8, 2011

erm... ah, ahem...

Yes so with repentant heart this scribes admits to being a slack scribe... it has been ages since I posted here, probably due to the fact that I have been chasing my tail. Well not really my tail but you know what I mean... With hat in hand I ask your forgiveness for my slackness on penmanship or prolific blabbing here. Soon to be adjusted as a new Dutrieux Data will be going out soon... promises promises...