Friday, April 1, 2011


Well granny is home now, not because she was doing so well , but because while refusing to eat, lacks the strength for the physiotherapists to work with her. At home however thingsa are moving along at a snails pace as far as her recovery is concerned. She is only eating under duress and only half a cup at a time... no this does not go down too well with the family members who are taking care of her.
It's been a week ... let's hope next week has better results.

1 comment:

  1. Granny gives me 20 years, and I have to tell you - food is the last thing you are interested in. I found this when I was critically ill with pneumonia last year. The only thing I could get down was Ensure. Then Peter started me on Dynamisan vitamins, and my appetite slowly came back. It's a long slow process. Our prayers are with you.
