Thursday, April 28, 2011

all things come to an end....yay!

It looks as though we are about to be relieved of the Kalafong Shuffle shortly! Physio reckons Granny can go home, Doctors just need to take x-rays and see what's potting with the pelvis, but all in all it looks as though Granny will be discharged before the week is out. PTL! Now we all just need to do a crash course on home care etc... well one does what one can...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday - breathe in , breathe out . breathe in , breathe out...

After a somewhat disrupted week of doing the hospital stint each day, a weekend to take a breather is very welcome. Admittedly there is some much  neglected housework to contend with, though truth be told laundry has been done, ironed and all - good husband!
Pictures from far away have been printed and hung which is something that was intended a long long time ago. Francoise is with Granny during the weekend so she is not being left there on her own all day. Granny is in good spirits, even though she is a little confused. Hopefully during the coming week, the doctors will have her sitting up and then we can start the 'walker Trot' again... this could be high hopes, anyway, with God all things are possible!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kalafong Kapers up and running again

Well ... it turns out that the hip replacement is fine, but now the pelvis is fractured in two places. Granny is back in Kalafong hospital, flat on her back giving her pelvis a chance to heal. Fortunately it shouldn't take too long. Though I reckon 'too long' could be anything depending on your perspective. She is in great spirits, which is a good thing, at the moment Francoise is taking a much needed rest and Rita is doing the trip to Pretoria each day. It's working out really well. Please continue to keep granny in your prayers as she goes through this little hiccup.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

nearly done...

Successful to say the least! We had an amazing workshop time ... even though it rained heavily on Friday evening, in fact we had a constant drizzle throughout the night, which was really nice for us campers...
Setting up tents in the rain... pffft! Then... granny fell again-sadly she is in more pain now than when she originally broke her hip.... so... off to xrays in the morning, then take it from there. One can only do what one can do.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

now onto the weekend

My recent posts have all been about Granny's progress with regards to her health, well now its time to move on! This weekend we are hosting a whole buncha people here on the base where we will be running a workshop to do with Church Models and Missions... Exciting stuff to say the least. Considering that the weather buro/beuro.burro mmmmm erm the weather man predicts rain , rain and more rain  accompanied with plunging temperatures. bureau. All participants including yours truly will be CAMPING! Oh my soul... well if anything we are in for a wonderful time including some laughs if the crowd is anything to go by. And anyways... when was the last time the weather man got it right?

held together by the faithful STAPLE!

Holding up pretty well with the Granny gig
She got dressed in real people clothes and went to the doctors to get her staple removed. Yes this should of happened a whole week ago, but alas... well its done now. She is walking better and better with the aid of the walker and starting to pick up somewhat on her appetite... this is a good thing as Francoise is bending over backwards to give her scrumptuous treats as meals. We are as a rulke getting into a routine with regards  her care... Granny, not Francoise- and hopefully Granny will be up and running... well you know what I mean.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Things are looking up!

Granny is able to walk with the aid of a walker and somebody helping up the stairs! She still needs constant care, but is eating better and generally in better spirits. Mouse and Rita escaped to a week of doing  as little as possible at our time share in Durban to return to a much happier granny. Life goes on as normal as what it can with the extra Granny detours throughout the days, and hopefully , soon, All will be back to what we would hope be called 'normal'. Right, yes, well erm... everyone's definition of 'normal' does not need to correlate....

Friday, April 1, 2011


Well granny is home now, not because she was doing so well , but because while refusing to eat, lacks the strength for the physiotherapists to work with her. At home however thingsa are moving along at a snails pace as far as her recovery is concerned. She is only eating under duress and only half a cup at a time... no this does not go down too well with the family members who are taking care of her.
It's been a week ... let's hope next week has better results.