Friday, March 18, 2011

Kalafong Shuffle commences

This is how I found Granny yesterday, her perspicaciousness seems better than it has in a long long time. She has a clean bill of health. In fact the doctors say she is incredibly strong and healthy! I am sure she would like to argue the point though. She however did reply that this is good to know. Of course we understand there will be a period of convelescence and are prepared for it, however, she will not be getting away with her tricks of "I can't" and others she is bound to come up with.
They will give her a day or two before getting her up and running, well, okay, up and shuffling as the whole point of getting a new hip is to get mobile again, right?


  1. Go Granny Go. We're proud of you. We'll have you doing the comrades in a couple of months. Llewellyn says that you will have to give up sky diving now as this caused the whole hip thing in the first place.

  2. yes Llew... unfortunately that is so! But I do plan on joining you for line dancing on Wednesdays, however...

  3. After reading words like "perspicaciousness" and "convelescence" now feels like I need something replaced...! Thanks for the update...:)

  4. you are so funny... just don't replace your humerous- I hear that could be painful!

  5. Beware Granny I think Rita is on to you :-)
