Friday, March 25, 2011

granny doing well

According to the physiotherapists... she is going to be galloping again soon... well that could be a slight exageration, rith now she is alive and kick... well once she has mastered her new hip she will again be alive and kicking!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Kalafong Shuffle commences

This is how I found Granny yesterday, her perspicaciousness seems better than it has in a long long time. She has a clean bill of health. In fact the doctors say she is incredibly strong and healthy! I am sure she would like to argue the point though. She however did reply that this is good to know. Of course we understand there will be a period of convelescence and are prepared for it, however, she will not be getting away with her tricks of "I can't" and others she is bound to come up with.
They will give her a day or two before getting her up and running, well, okay, up and shuffling as the whole point of getting a new hip is to get mobile again, right?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Granny gets cut

Well after being in hospital (Kalafong) for 19days, Granny is finally ready and healthy enough to have her left hip replacement op.It has been a long time of to and fro to the hospital but things are finally moving. We are grateful that she is able to have the surgery at all, as there are other patients, due to osti artherotis are unable to undergo the surgey. We are pleased too that it will not cost us anything! God is good.

She is in good stead as she has even sterted her favourite pastime and is reading novels again. There will certainly be a rather long time of recuperation, so we hope and pray she remains cooperative and positive for the tough time ahead

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Still trotting

Oka-aay, so the days are really filled with coping with the Kalafong Hip Hop and other general life catch ups.(Granny is doing well at the moment, she is being readied for her new hip. Admittedly, Monday she gave us all a real start as she was terribly confused for the day).
Things like Electric fences that misbehave and then other 'stuff' like seriously blocked sewage drains and whatever else gets thrown at us. Coachin meetingas are also full steam ahead, but at the end of each day we can cerainly say - God is Good!