Monday, October 4, 2010

Aug Sep data

In house:

  • Well what an eventful time it has been! Things went a little pear shaped in a few different fields. The best would be to put them in point form 
  • After booking to go to Bulgaria, discovered Rita’s passport had expired. And due to a mass action strike-her ‘fast tracked’ passport application was fulfilled in seven weeks! Thereby leaving no time to get visas... so- cancelled trip!
  • Combi was stolen while teaching a Passage to Purpose class in Pretoria 
  • Jordan had an accident with a truck while on his motorbike – writing it off - broken elbow, cannot work as he is a handyman without the use of his strong hand! 
  • Jordan and his friends were returning from church and were hijacked outside the gate. He was pistol whipped and received four stitches on his head. 
All things happen for the good to those who please Him

  •  We had time to help with Jordan’s company’s bookkeeping and jobs. Things are good. 
  • Have New Old Combi! God is so good. With insurance payout, and various gifts to add to the needed mount, we have a replacement Combi- one year older but in much better condition. It would have cost at least R20 000 to repair our old Combi...and thanks to the Special Needs we put out, we personally only had to come up with R5000.00 to get the new one-Insurance paid out R48000, the new one cost R68000. God is good
  • Jordan has had a lot of time, spending it with God, trying to find out exactly what it is God wants for his life- YWAM seems to be one of the sure options and there re a few more thoughts on the horizon. God is really good. 
  • We now have lights up/down our driveway – the motion detector sort.. JP and Jordan are good too! 

In Ministry: 
  • Sunday 3rd October sees another phase of the Passage to Purpose teachings. Implementation Point offered for all who have completed Mapping Point. 
  • There is another Output Fellowship starting in the Pretoria area to accommodate the new group of students. We are so grateful for the people that have pulled in along side us and have bravely taken on the administration and communication side of the courses. 
  • The Saturday evening fellowship is running well, albeit sometimes thin... which is not a bad thing as it gives room for wonderful discussions and questions and personal ministry time.

In Prayer:
  • We thank God that we are able to be His servants in this journey. (even though there have been so many “potholes”) 
  • We praise Him for continued health.  
  • Please pray with us that we might fine tune our ears to His voice and be prepared to heed it.  
  • We pray too that as we seek to serve God in all we do, we might continue to touch the lives of many, that others might turn their hearts towards God’s Kingdom purpose.
 In Parting:
Know that in all things, God is in control. When things seem to be going badly, or simply in our opinion askew, know deep down that God knows all and has a plan. Learn to trust Him in ALL things.

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